Have you ever wished you had paused to share your thanks? What follows is a collection of belated letters. Thoughts even drafted but alas never sent. Some of these stories happened in an instant with a stranger I’m unlikely to find. Others are my rearview reflections to a person who deserves to know how they touched my life. Sadly, in a few cases, I missed my chance. All stories are my sixty years young memory… the facts may be foggy, but the imprint of my good fortune to have lived them is 100% my truth.

It’s hard to send letters to people you have never met or to addresses you no longer have. My clever daughters inspired posting them via the attached blog. You are welcome to read any, all or none.  If there is one with your name on it, I hope it finds you. If you have never heard of me, I hope I have not overstepped-you are receiving this in the hopes you might be a stepping stone.  As for my closest friends and family, may you feel my gratitude each and every day and thanks for your encouragement to complete this idea.