2017: Dear Southern Poverty Law Center, An unplanned teaching moment
Dear Southern Poverty Law Center,
Road trips with your kids can lead to great unplanned experiences. While driving through the southern US to explore college choices for my daughters, your offices and the generosity of your staff was the best unexpected teaching moment.
While attempting to follow our journey on a map in the back of the car, my kids realized that Montgomery was a short detour from our route. You see, their 10th grade class had just finished Bryan Stevenson’s book Just Mercy and they had learned of your organizations work. They were determined to try to reach your offices before they closed on a Friday afternoon.
We phoned, you opened the doors and we spent more than 45 minutes having a very private and impactful tour- resulting in at least two people graciously staying late. My girls still reflect and talk about the impact of that experience.
Thank you for all you do to combat hate and fight for justice.
Ann Simonds
aka Annie Hoagland