1973: Dear Roberta Franzheim

“You Never Forget Your Childhood Best Friend”

Dear Roberta,

I’m just so sorry, so sad that I lost track of you.  I literally don’t remember how we actually spent our time. I know it included ill-conceived baking projects, hours in our rooms, yo-yos, roller skates, ice skates… just classic make your own fun and laughter until you wet your pants. 

When our lives went in separate ways in 9th grade I never imagined I literally would never have the chance to tell you just how much your companionship meant to me.  A smart, spirited Texan who could run like the wind, you were better than me at most things, but always by my side in all things.  

Today, while there is much to fear about the digital age and the innocence of those precious years, I’m glad my kids will likely always know how to reconnect with and thank the Roberta Franzheim’s in their lives.

So so much love,

Ann Simonds

Aka Annie Hoagland


aka Annie Hoagland

Laura Max Rose

Laura Max Rose is the proud mom of her two beautiful daughters, Selma Baines (3.5) and Violet Mae (<1!) A writer among other things, she started “Look Ma’ No Hands” shortly after Violet was born upon realizing her hands might not be free to type blog posts for a while, but that she still had a whole lot to say. The episodes of “Look Ma, No Hands” are her candid dispatches from the frontlines of motherhood. She interviews experts in fields pertaining to motherhood, mothers themselves and all-around heartwarming and thought-provoking folk whom she hopes will make everyone’s journey easier, fuller and more joyful.

Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her Beshert (that’s Hebrew for “soulmate”), their two girls and beloved Dog, Hampton. Laura’s Husband, Ben Rose, is currently running for Harris County Attorney. You can learn more about him and support his campaign here.


1972: Dear Carder, Milligan, Heath, Eyler and Gamba Families, How to be a Real Neighbor


1975: Dear Mr. Barber and Ms. Priest,Turns out, I learn best by doing