1999: Dear Chuck Chakrabarti, Your live and active cultures
Dear Chuck,
It was a total surprise to find I was pregnant with twins. As a first timer, I was blissfully ignorant of the slightly higher stakes of a multiple version. I was given books to read, advice of trusted doctors and tips from other moms. However, the best, most unique and generous gift of all was the yogurt you used to quietly leave at my desk.
You were well studied in the science which supported the idea that the live and active cultures in yogurt can impact the immunity of your babies at birth. I don’t know if it was your kind heart as a father of beloved daughters, or your motivation as a food scientist to pass along your craft. In either case, it was just so kind of you to fuel my enormous belly with such goodness. I choose to believe it was key to their healthy, full term arrival and hearty constitution beyond.
Unfortunately, we still hear horror stories of how expectant mothers have to navigate between their pregnancy and their workplace. Your yogurt, not to mention the kindness of so many others, is just a great example of the rare air I was lucky enough to breath when I became a working mom.
Thank you,
Ann Simonds
aka Annie Hoagland