1981: Siniora Rubio, The details matter
Dear Siniora Rubio,
Your ballet studio was my sanctuary. Every day, after a long day at school, my world slowed down while I held onto that weathered wooden bar to try to master the precise, painfully specific fundamentals of ballet. Your studio was bathed in sunlight while you sparked around the room to nudge a shoulder or tuck in a knee in your very traditional all black leotard, skirt and slippers. Your thick Spanish accent gave your instruction an exotic, old world, global impression making our very amateur program feel significant. This hour was almost meditative and a treasured moment to just focus.
Maybe you had an assistant or some kind of help, but you seemed to be a one woman ballet program with choreographed recitals complete with programs, costumes and photographers. I can still hear your voice and picture your graceful, ageing hands as you gave one final last minute instruction or tweaked a crooked bow in my hair.
Thank you for the lesson to find rhythm in your daily life with remarkable attention to detail.
Ann Simonds
Aka Annie Hoagland, PA ‘81
aka Annie Hoagland