2022: Dear Ute Mountaineering, Sure… you can be an uphill athlete

It is humbling at 60 to try to maintain your childhood favorite activities.  Hours spent on a trampoline are off the menu and ice skating seems risky.  My love of a dancefloor is tragically dated but, I will bust a move until the day I die.

Thanks for taking me seriously as an “uphill athlete”. You have tolerated countless questions about my gear, packing and training.  High altitude hiking and even ski mountaineering uphill in winter still seem to be within my reach.  It still feels great and possible to put one foot in front of the other in rare places bolstered by your coaching and care.  


Ann Simonds


aka Annie Hoagland

Laura Max Rose

Laura Max Rose is the proud mom of her two beautiful daughters, Selma Baines (3.5) and Violet Mae (<1!) A writer among other things, she started “Look Ma’ No Hands” shortly after Violet was born upon realizing her hands might not be free to type blog posts for a while, but that she still had a whole lot to say. The episodes of “Look Ma, No Hands” are her candid dispatches from the frontlines of motherhood. She interviews experts in fields pertaining to motherhood, mothers themselves and all-around heartwarming and thought-provoking folk whom she hopes will make everyone’s journey easier, fuller and more joyful.

Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her Beshert (that’s Hebrew for “soulmate”), their two girls and beloved Dog, Hampton. Laura’s Husband, Ben Rose, is currently running for Harris County Attorney. You can learn more about him and support his campaign here.


2022: Dear Mack McCarter, Making Caring Contagious


2024: Rachel Henry, Just tell them you are came to learn