2024: Rachel Henry, Just tell them you are came to learn

Dear Rachel,

I believe that the highest compliment you can pay someone is to fall apart in their presence- especially when you have known them for only a few minutes. I loved our spontaneous powerful conversation about race, bias and cancel culture that resulted in tears in the middle of a jewelry store.

Self-conscious about how to “show up” in brave conversations in communities where I may not be welcome or belong, you simply suggested – go to learn. 

I’ve had a lifetime of training to pitch in, raise my hand and try to fix things.  It was a great idea to simply shift my gaze to listening and learning.  As Jane Fonda famously said “It’s more important to be interested than interesting”.


Ann Simonds


aka Annie Hoagland

Laura Max Rose

Laura Max Rose is the proud mom of her two beautiful daughters, Selma Baines (3.5) and Violet Mae (<1!) A writer among other things, she started “Look Ma’ No Hands” shortly after Violet was born upon realizing her hands might not be free to type blog posts for a while, but that she still had a whole lot to say. The episodes of “Look Ma, No Hands” are her candid dispatches from the frontlines of motherhood. She interviews experts in fields pertaining to motherhood, mothers themselves and all-around heartwarming and thought-provoking folk whom she hopes will make everyone’s journey easier, fuller and more joyful.

Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her Beshert (that’s Hebrew for “soulmate”), their two girls and beloved Dog, Hampton. Laura’s Husband, Ben Rose, is currently running for Harris County Attorney. You can learn more about him and support his campaign here.


2022: Dear Ute Mountaineering, Sure… you can be an uphill athlete


2023: Dear Patry- Artisan for Henry Beguelin, Your bag is loved